NoCode4BUSINESS – Fostering knowledge and adoption of no-code practices among European entrepreneurs

PROJECT NUMBER: 2021-2-ES01- KA210-ADU-000048382
TIMESPAN OF THE PROJECT: 01/03/2022 – 31/08/2023


NoCode4BUSINESS aims to raise awareness on no-code opportunities and advance so far non-existing research and training on the subject. The competences mostly sought by EU companies and missing among their workers are: ability to solve technical problems with digital tools e.g. prototyping, ability to manage digital identity & digital communication, and ability to elaborate digital content and programming for effective business growth. NoCode4BUSINESS tackles these gaps since it will develop initial training elements on no-code, focusing on prototyping, digital communication & marketing, and business operations’ automatization and scale-up.


  • Activity 1: Desk Research on No code
  • Activity 2: Co-creation of no-code training elements ·
  • Activity 3: Transnational pilot and fine-tuning


  1. Project Handbook covering the following topics:
    • State of the art of no-code in the EU and in the project countries;
    • Selection and description of best practices across the EU and in the project countries;
    • Results of the interactions between partners and stakeholders: representatives of the best practices and entrepreneurs’ answers to the survey;
    • Identification of the potential and the opportunities of no-code for EU entrepreneurs;
  2. Organisation of an international co-creation workshop to jointly collaborate towards the co-creation of the project training elements.
  3. Development of 3 concise and effective training modules on no-code for prototyping, communication/marketing, and business operations’ management.
  4. International pilot and training event with 18 entrepreneurs and 6 partner staff members


The project “NoCode4BUSINESS – Promoting knowledge and adoption of no-code practices among European entrepreneurs” is co-financed by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union. The content of this publication is exclusive responsibility of Accademia IRSEI, Fundatia EOS and Cink Venturing and neither the European Commission nor the Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education (SEPIE) are responsible for the use that may be made of the information disseminated here.