CIRCULAR LOOPS: Circular economy from social enterprises to their customers

PROJECT NUMBER: 2020-1-AT01-KA202-078021
TIMESPAN OF THE PROJECT: 01.09.2020 – 31.08.2023


The project aims to:

  • Implement the concept of the circular economy within social enterprises, emphasizing businesses with social goals where surplus is reinvested in the community rather than maximizing profits for owners
  • Conduct 6 transnational project meetings involving 62 representatives from partner organizations across 6 countries
  • Organize 6 validation workshops as part of Implementation Output 1 (IO1).
  • Execute 12 pilot events for the learning and mentoring program
  • Facilitate 54 group mentoring sessions
  • Host 12 multiplier events, culminating in a final conference
  • Produce 6 country reports documenting the experimentation phase and 1 pilot report summarizing outcomes and lessons learned


The project will engage in the following activities:

  • Conduct 6 transnational project meetings, bringing together 62 representatives from partner organizations across 6 different countries
  • Organize 6 validation workshops as part of Implementation Output 1 (IO1).
  • Implement 12 pilot events for the learning and mentoring program
  • Facilitate 54 group mentoring sessions aimed at supporting participants in the program
  • Host 12 multiplier events, culminating in a final conference to share project outcomes and insights
  • Produce 6 country reports documenting the experimentation phase and 1 pilot report summarizing the overall findings and lessons learned from the project


The project will generate the following outcomes:

  • Mapping the Scene: Inspiring Practices and Methodology to Go Social Circular
  • Enabling Solutions for Social Enterprises to Go Circular
  • Peer-Mentoring Program


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