The partnership of the Erasmus+ CAMPLUS project, co-funded by the European Union (project code: 2021-1-FR01-KA220-ADU-000028439) continues its work to achieve the important results aimed at training migrants, trainers and accompanying persons and realising training courses on entrepreneurship, leadership and soft skills.
The partnership has recently completed the translation of the materials, which are now available online for consultation and download! The translated materials concern:
- Manual that serves as a methodological guide to support migrants and trainers and consists of a descriptive part on EntreComp and LifeComp competencies and a practical part aimed at trainers to map and understand refugees’ needs and requirements.
- Notebook (Self-Assessment Tools) travelogue to guide in a practical way to reflect on learning processes and understand one’s competence profile.
- Training modules contained in the Handbook on ‘Personal Resource Management for Migrants, Trainers, Guides and Evaluators’ including a glossary of terms, exercises, and feedback.
Lastly, all translations into partner country languages of the e-learning platform, which aims to accompany migrant students in constructive learning through quizzes, lessons and games, will soon be available online.
The translations were developed in the partnership languages: French, Italian, Kurdish, Arabic, Greek and Dutch and represent an essential point of contact with the beneficiaries, who will thus be able to access the tools created for them in a practical, fast and intuitive way, breaking down language barriers and laying the foundations for a more targeted training of their skills for the future.
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