On the 21st of May 2024, the Multiplier Event of the EU co-funded project CAMPLUS – Empowerment for Migrants – from Camps to Integration (no: 2021-1-FR01-KA220-ADU-000028439) was held. The event was held on the World Day of Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development, and in the form of a round-table. Not only were the objectives, project activities and results discussed, but also an open dialogue was held without judgment, together with local associations, educators and entrepreneurs who have always been involved in welcoming migrants to work. 

The event was held at MOLTIVOLTI who welcomed the participants and shared his own experience with them through the words of Giovanni Zinna. The round table produced food for thought on the very complicated and often hostile national and international legal context towards young migrants, thanks to the intervention of Prof. Sciurba from the della Clinica legale Migrazioni e Diritti of the University of Palermo, and then delved into the social role of organisations and professionals, focusing on the importance of mutual respect in order to build a true dialogue leading to confrontation and analysis of needs, right from the first reception. Themes addressed by Gloria Zuccaro, of the Centro Diaconale La Noce Istituto Valdese, in his speech on the importance of the role of educators in the reception of unaccompanied foreign minors.  

The issues of health, school and social contexts and how to deal with them together as a community were then addressed by Aaron Allegra of EXODOS Attività Sociali. To conclude with a reflection on the need to welcome migrants’ requests without judgement, through listening, sharing and no fear of the different who “is not a migrant but a new citizen” as Bandiougou Diawara of Giocherenda 

The event was also attended by the other Italian partner of the project, CEIPES, which together with IRSEI presented the results of the CAMPLUS project and showed the good practices implemented in the refugee camps. In addition, the online presence of trainers and beneficiaries of the activities in the refugee camps (from Larissa, Greece and Erbil, Iraqi Kurdistan) gave those present the opportunity to hear the testimony of the trainers and a participant who said she had gained more serenity in talking about her future plans. 

We sincerely thank all those present, the speakers and everyone who opened their minds and hearts to build a society that reflects and acts on welcoming and building a sense of community. 

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